All posts by Cathy

Feb 6 (Fri)

Feb 6, Friday

Bible- Exodus 12:1-15:27

12 mcg levo

7:30 87

10 situps, 10 deadlifts, 10 squats, 10 bench press – 20# barbell

Breakfast- egg, 1.5 oz cooked ground beef, oil, tea, coconut oil, butter, stevia

Lunch- tuna & egg salad w celery & mayo

Dinner – ½ carrot, 4 pieces of wings, salad with avocado blue cheese, ranch dressing

Macros fat 136, protein 66, carb 15, fiber 6.1

Glucose 103 ketones 1.6

Feb 5 (Thurs)

Feb 5, Thursday

Bible- Exodus 10:1-12:51

12 mcg Levothyroxine

7:15 87

Breakfast- 1 egg, .7 oz Brie, 1 ½ sardines, .7 T coconut oil. Chai Tea, butter, coconut oil, stevia

Lunch- 2.5 oz cooked hamburger with mayo, bacon, mustard, salad, oil & vinegar

Afternoon snack – 1 oz macadamia nuts, mixture of butter, cream cheese, truvia, cocoa

Dinner – walleye, butter, zucchini cooked with leeks and sour cream

Macros- fat 148, protein 62, carb 22.2, fiber 6

Glucose 92 ketones 2.6

Feb 4 (Weds)

Feb 4,  Weds

Bible:  Exodus 7:14-9:35

7:10  91

10 sit-ups, 10 deadlifts, 10 squats, 10 bench presses

cauliflower potato salad, tea, butter, coconut oil

10:00   98

11:00   87

left over chicken thigh fajitas – bell peppers, spices, cheese

sunflower seeds, 20 pumpkin seeds, macadamia nuts

4:41  87

homemade chocolate dessert with butter, cream cheese, cocoa, truvia.

2.1 oz elk, 2 pieces bacon, wine & cream sauce, cauliflower potato salad

tea with coconut oil & butter & stevia

macros  Fat 131,  Protein 61, carbs 18, fiber 7

Went to see Accountant today.  He said I look better than I have in years (I see him once a year).  I told him about Dr Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution and he wrote down the name of the book

Feb 3, Tues

Feb 3, Tuesday

Bible- Exodus 4:18-7:13

7:45 a.m. 95

little bit of left over zucchini pie & 1 egg cooked in coconut oil 2 low carb brownies

tea, butter, coconut oil

Zucchini casserole bell pepper strips, dill & sour cream dip

pecans coconut toasted in butter

6:20   90

chicken & bell peppers, Potato (cauliflower) egg salad.

Macros  fat 160, protein 61,  Carb 27, fiber 16

(coconut surprised me- more fat, carb and fiber than I realized.)

Feb 2, Monday

Feb 2, Monday

Exodus 1:1-4:17

6:30      81

10 situps, deadlifts, squats, bench press with 20# barbell

breakfast – 2 oz corned beef, 1/2 c cabbage sautéed tea, butter, coconut oil, stevia

lunch – 4 sm wingettes (homemade buffalo), celery, bell pepper, little sour cream dill dip

macadamia nuts little pudding made from cream cheese, butter, cocoa, truvia dinner –

zucchini pie, dill pickle

after dinner – ginger tea w coconut oil, butter, stevia

7:53      80

macros   fat: 138,,protein 63,  Carb 15, fiber 4

Feb 1, Sunday

Sunday Feb 1, 2015

Genesis 47:13-50:26

  • John 14:25-2625 “These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. 26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

7:45   86

1 egg fried with little gumbo over it decaff coffee with coconut oil & butter

lunch – corned beef, cabbage stir fried in oil & butter, salad with Newman’s own Caesar dressing made a new recipe of brownie – used Truvia, not very sweet so I made some cream cheese, butter, cocoa & truvia for topping to brownie

  • 2:40  90
  • 3:01  93
  •  3:33  91
  • 4:50  90
  • Super bowl.  Made good hot wings – bake to crisp, then put on very low in electric skillet with Italian dressing & Louisiana hot sauce.  Had 3, celery, green peppers in a sour cream dill dip.
  • 6:40   82
  • 10:00  91  ketones 1.2 (lower than usual.  Either too much food and not spread out or too much protein or the brownie made w truvia)

macros fat 138,  protein 73, carb 19, fiber 5

Jan 31 Saturday

Saturday Jan 31st

I Chronicles 4:1-23, 7:1-13 Genesis 46:13-47:12

Scripture for day

Isaiah 40:8  The grass fades, the flower withers, but the Word of The Lord stands forever.

7:45 am  85

tuna & egg salad with mayo, celery & coconut oil tea with coconut oil & butter & little Stevia (I am going to quit caffeine and see if that helps me control glucose)

9.08   92

10.09  87

lunch- 3.2 oz sliced grilled beef on big salad with oil & vinegar brie cheese, butter, macadamia nuts & 1/2 tsp sugar free boysenberry jam. dinner – homemade seafood gumbo

Macros;  130 g fat, 65 g protein, 24 g carb, fiber 10 bedtime  glucose 88  ketones 2.9

Jan 30 Friday

Friday Jan 30

Genesis 45:1-46:12, I Chronicles 5:1-6, I Chronicles 2:18-55

waking blood glucose  95

breakfast – tuna & egg salad with mayo & celery & extra sour cream.  coffee with butter, coconut oil & stevia

lunch – Subway chopped salad with roast beef.  Put Newmans Own Caesar dressing on it.

afternoon – Macadamia nuts

4:19   88

dinner – 1 egg, butter, 2 frozen link sausages (Tennessee pride), whipped cream with olives, .8 oz pepperoni with cream cheese 8 pecan halves

Macros fat 135, protein 51, carbs 21, fiber 6.2

Jan 29 Thursday

Thursday Jan 29th

Genesis 42:1-44:34

waking blood glucose  84

breakfast- tuna & egg salad with mayo & celery, coffee with cream & coconut oil

lunch – 2 1/2 oz  roast beef on salad with oil & vinegar

afternoon – 1 oz macadamia nuts,  low carb brownie with butter & cream, tea

dinner – mashed cauliflower & fried walleye with mayo, sour cream & lemon dipping sauce. after dinner – 12 pecans

Macros;  fat 145,  protein 58,  carb 18, fiber 6.4

Jan 28 Weds

Jan 27  Genesis 37:1-39:23

Weds Jan 28

Genesis 40:1-41:37

10 situps 10 deadlifts, 10 squats 10 bench presses

6:30 a.m.  104 – I couldn’t believe it since I went to bed with glucose of 86 and had nothing to eat, but all I can figure is that it might be the pink eye.

breakfast- large egg cooked in coconut oil, 2 Tennessee Pride link sausages, coffee with cream, coconut oil & s/f Da Vinci

10:30  glucose 88

lunch- left over fajitas – bell peppers, meat & spices with avocado, sour cream & salad. macadamia nuts & tea with coconut oil

dinner – flank steak, 6 asparagus spears pan fried, 1/2 avocado, salad w Caesars Own dressing

Macros  fat 130 g, protein 50 g , carb 22 (11.4 fiber)

bedtime glucose  80  ketones 2.8