All posts by Cathy

Jan 26 Monday

Monday Jan 26

Genesis 33:1-35:29, I Chronicles 2:1-2

6:30    82

10 situps, deadlifts, squats, bench presses

breakfast- egg in butter & 2 microwaved link sausages coffee, cream, coconut oil, Da Vinci s/f syrup

lunch 3oz left over meat loaf, 1 c cooked cabbage with butter

afternoon – tea, coconut oil, cream

dinner- 2 oz pot roast, salad, 1/2 avocado, 1 T salad dressing tea, coconut oil, cream

Macros  fat 125   protein 52,  carbs 16.7 g fiber 6.7 g bedtime

glucose 86  ketones 3.1

Jan 25 Sunday

Jan 24 –  Genesis 28:10-30:43

Sunday Jan 25th

Bible- Genesis 31:1-32:32

Woke up with pink eye.  Stayed home all day and took lots of glucose readings.

breakfast_ 2 pieces Kroger bacon, 1 egg fried in bacon grease & 1 cup coffee with cream, coconut oil & s/f syrup

lunch- chicken soup: 3 oz chicken, green peppers and zucchini cooked in butter

  • 11:30 right after I ate 104.  Ate nothing after homemade chicken soup until tea at 5:00
  • 12:35   104
  • 12:55   105
  •  1:16     103
  • 1:38      97
  • 2:01      91
  • 2:22      98
  • 2:43      89
  • 3:05     91
  • 3:26     88
  • 3:47     87
  • 4:15     82
  • 4:35     77
  • 5:00     82 – had chamomile tea w coconut oil
  • 5:25     79
  • dinner – meat loaf, cabbage stir fried in butter, salad & dressing, 1/2 avocado 40 min after dinner  92
  • bedtime 105   ketones 2.9
  • tea with cream & coconut oil

macros:  fat 122, protein 62, carb 21, fiber 9

bedtime glucose 103  ketones 2.9

Jan 23 Friday

Friday Jan 23, 2015

Genesis 27:1-28:9,  Genesis 36:1-43, I Chronicles 1:35-54

blood glucose-94 at 7;45

breakfast- 1 large egg cooked in butter and coconut oil & 2 links frozen microwaved Tennessee pride sauage

1 cup coffee with cream, coconut oil & stevia

lunch – last of cauliflower fried rice with chicken, celery, shallots, butter

afternoon – tea with coconut oil & cream

dinner-1 oz pork, 1 oz chicken, raw zucchini, green peppers, mushrooms, bean sprouts & oil grilled together with little soy sauce.  salad with blue cheese dressing, 1 T sunflower seeds evening- 9 pecan halves,

chamomile tea with coconut oil

8:47  blood glucose is 104

macro’s – fat 141, protein 61, carb 18, fiber 6.2

bedtime glucose 91  ketones 2.4

Jan 22 Thurs

Thursday Jan 22, 2015

Bible Genesis 25:1-26:35, I Chronicles 1:32-34

waking blood glucose 6:45  78

Breakfast- 1 large egg cooked in butter with 1 oz double cream brie, 5 greek olives

coffee, coconut oil, cream, stevia

lunch – 1/4 oz pumpkin seeds, 1 c cauliflower fried rice with chicken breast, few shallots and celery.

afternoon – tea with coconut oil, cream & stevia- 1 T sugar free peanut butter – added little salt and Da Vinci vanilla – that made it thick, so I added little melted butter dinner-

2.5 walleye filet, w spices cooked in oil & butter,  1/4 c cooked snow peas, butter, salad with newmans own dressing,

evening snack – 1 brownie, mashed with some melted butter and heavy cream

Jan 21 (Weds)

Jan 20 Bible Genesis 19:1-21:34, 25:12-18

Weds  Jan 21

Genesis 22:1-24:67

10 situps, deadlifts, squats, bench presses morning

glucose after exercise 99
I had blood test for seeing Nephrologist Friday.  I appreciate that kidney doctor asked for tests of my Vit D and thyroid hormones.  I would love to quit taking levothyroxine.

breakfast- 1/2 low carb breakfast bowl from Hardees coffee, cream, coconut oil, Da Vinci s/f vanilla

1/2 oz unsalted macadamia nuts 2 oz meat balls w cream sauce & mushrooms

afternoon – decaf chai tea w cream & coconut oil
2.3 oz macadamia nuts

dinner: glass pinot noir
cauliflower fried rice with chicken breast cooked in oil & butter, salad w Newmans Own Caesar dressing

Macros  fat 131, protein 56, carb 26 fiber 10

bedtime glucose 93  ketones 2.2




Jan 19 (Monday)

Monday Jan 19 blood glucose before breakfast  72

Bible- Genesis 16:1-18:33

10 ea: sit ups, deadlifts, squats and bench presses (with 20# on barbell)

Breakfast:  tuna & egg salad with mayo and celery coffee w cream, coconut oil, Da Vinci s/f syrup

1 drumstick, salad & Newmans own Caesar, 1/2 c cooked cauliflower with butter, 1 1/2 oz macadamia nuts

Decaf chai tea w cream & coconut oil & Da Vinci. 1 T sugarfree pbutter with a little salt and DaVinci

stew – about 2 1/2 oz meat, broth, celery, few turnips

6:30   85

6:50   95

7:27   78

Ginger tea w cream & coconut oil & Da Vinci Macros (Total fat 121, protein 77, carb 21.6 fiber 9)

bedtime glucose 85   ketones 3.2

Jan 18 (Sunday)

Jan 16 – Job 38:1-39:30

Jan 17  Job 40:1-42:17

Sunday Jan 18

Jan 18 Genesis 11:27-15:21

My daughter and 4 grandkids stayed with us Fri and Saturday   I ate right and took some bg and ketone readings but didn’t fill out my carb and protein counter.  I am back to counting carbs & proteins & fats today – and doing a lot of laundry.

7:40 a.m.  85 before breakfast

breakfast 2 cups of coffee (half decaf, half reg) with cream, coconut oil, Da Vinci.  1 egg, 1 oz brie and 4 green olives cooked in oil, .3 oz pine nuts ( 32 fat, 12 protein, 4.6 carb

lunch- 2 artichoke hearts, .3 oz macadamia nuts, 2.5 oz roast beef, cauliflower, salad, Newmans Own dressing. ( fat 31, protein 29, carbs 10 tea with cream & coconut oil (fat 25,)

dinner – 1 drumstick, 1/2 c cauliflower fried rice, salad w Caesar dressing (fat 26, protein 30, carb 6.4

total macros ( 114 fat, 63 protein, 26 carb, 8 fiber)

night glucose 72  ketones 4.2

Jan 15 (Thurs)

Thursday Jan 15

Bible- Job 35:1-37:24

morning glucose  82

breakfast- 2 artichoke hearts, 1 egg scrambled in coconut oil with 1 oz Brie and 1T pine nuts coffee, cream, coconut oil, stevia  Fat 38, protein 14, carb is 6

salad with oil & vinegar 8 shrimp with butter to dip in after lunch

12:36   83

1:09  87

1 oz brie, .4 oz butter, 1/2 tsp sugarfree boysenberry preserves,  tea with coconut oil,

1 1/2 oz cream cheese 2 slices Kroger bacon 1.5 oz ground beef & mustard mixed greens, 1 T Newmans Own Caesar dressing 1 mushroom dipped in butter 1 T pine nuts. 1 T coconut oil in tea

6:30  82

7:30 87

Macros  fat 131  protein 61, Carb 19.7 (fiber 3.6)

bedtime glucose 72  ketones 4.2


Jan 14 Weds

Weds Jan 14

Bible – Job 32:1-34:37

6:30 a.m.   88 before breakfast

10 situps, deadlifts, squats, bench press (20# barbell) treadmill 20 min 3.5 mph 7:30

86 after exercising

breakfast- tuna, egg, celery & mayo salad coffee, coconut oil (22 fat, 16 protein, 1.5 carb (1.1 fiber) tea  coconut oil

lunch- 12 macadamia nuts, 3 1/2 oz meatballs made with no carbs, 1/3 c cooked cabbage (in oil) tea & coconut oil

2:06   82

5:45 dinner – corned beef, cream cheese, more coconut oil

10:00 p.m.  104 ( I took it again immediately because that didn’t make sense and it was even higher- 110 – I went shopping after dinner and maybe was stressed?)

macros  133 fat, protein 59,  carb 11.3 (4.9+ fiber)

10:26 p.m. glucose 104  ketones 1.8

Jan 13 Tues

Tuesday Jan 13

Job 30:1-31:40

I went and bought some Kroger bacon without sugar yesterday and today I went to the health food store and found some Kalona Super Natural cream with nothing but cream (compare to Organics cream from Safeway which had Cream and Carrageenan)) and Nancy’s cream cheese with cream, dry milk, L acidophilus, bifidum and 4 strains of lactic cultures and salt – (compare to Philadelphia which has milk and cream, whey protein concentrate, salt, carob bean gum, xanthan gum and cheese culture).  Also got Nancys sour cream – just cream, milk, milk powder, and same enzymes that were in cream cheese (compare to Meadow Gold with Cream, skim milk, whey, modified corn starch, gelatin, sodium phosphate, guar gum, Carrageenan, sodium citrate, calcium sulfate and Locust bean gum

So, Thank you for pointing that out, Holly.
6:30 a.m.  88

20 min treadmill

1/12 breakfast quiche I made Saturday and froze
coffee with coconut oil & Da Vinci (no cream)
8:49 a.m.  94

1:00 p.m (before lunch)  74
30 pumpkin seeds, 1 can wild sardines, salad greens with Newman’s own dressing

4:00   83
1 T Nancys cream cheese & little taste of organic cream
6:00   84

2.2 oz meat balls made with bison & chorizo sausage & celery & green onions.
cabbage cooked in oil with little butter & salt.

7.04  87

7:25 85  (much more stable today – have not had as big a swing in blood glucose)

bedtime glucose 87  ketones 3.0